Korean in the fast lane!

We aim to offer the best Korean courses in German-speaking countries. For beginners AND advanced.

I want to speak fluent Korean
Do you want to learn Korean?
Learn Korean with professional guidance!
I want to learn Korean in German
Korean is your key to Korean culture.

Be it enthusiasm for K-Pop, K-Dramas or even a job-related stay in Seoul ... there are many reasons to learn Korean.

But did you know that Korean is spoken by almost 80 million people worldwide and the Korean alphabet alphabet has been declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO?

Korean script is considered one of the most systematic and logical scripts in the world.

There is already a consensus among many experts worldwide: This will make it more and more important in the age of digitization. It is therefore worthwhile for everyone to learn this modern language!

German is your mother tongue - that's no disadvantage!

Yes, there are natural talents who can teach themselves an Asian language. At the latest when it comes to correct pronunciation, however, you reach your limits.

It is important that you take the right steps from the start and don't take the wrong turn!

We know from experience where there is a problem and will walk the path together with you - lay a solid foundation for your Korean! As bilingual lecturers, we show you the parallels and differences between German and Korean.

You create connections so that you get the aha effect. Right from the start!

Speak Korean like a real Seoul native!

Let's think: why do Koreans speak Korean so well?

Korean babies are born without any knowledge of Korean. They also learn the Korean alphabet step by step.

They learn to put the Hangul letters together and to pronounce them. By the time they are about 7 years old, they have mastered the basics of writing and are going to school.

And we do exactly this learning process for natives with you - in a streamlined and compact form. This is the approach of our courses.

All language skills.
In 8 weeks.

In our online courses at the weekend you will learn under German-language guidance
the most important words and phrases that are suitable for everyday use and that you can use immediately. With our 8-week online intensive courses, you can integrate
Korean lessons into everyday life.

All you need is a good internet connection, 2 hours a week and motivation!

We work with award-winning Korean scripts developed for
native Koreans, and we value variety in the use of teaching materials to make the lessons as engaging as possible.

Our courses build on each other so that participants with
previous knowledge can find the right entry point to further develop their Korean.

We address all language skills (reading, writing, speaking, reading) equally. In all learning units, special focus is placed on communication and pronunciation.

VIP-Einzelcoaching Koreanisch - wird auf Nachfrage angeboten für Personen, die sich eine intensive 1:1 Betreung wünschen. Kontakt: liveauskorea@gmail.com

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What our students say:

Our next courses

Du hast Fragen? Nimm gerne Kontakt mit uns auf.

Gerne beraten wir Dich und schauen, welcher Kurs für Dich geeignet ist.

The next course for "Absolute Beginners" will take place on January 14th and 15th.

The next course for "Beginners with previous knowledge" will take place on January 14th and 15th.